JONATHAN GAMING6.64TR theo dõi465 Videos619.07TR lượt xem2024-11-11 Được phátDữ liệu cập nhật ngày 2025-01-05
Tổng số lượt xem3.13TR
Thích tỷ lệ 11.87%
371.77N 0
Số lần bình luận17.28N
Tỷ lệ lượt xem 47.2%
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Tỷ lệ tương tác 17.39%
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Giới thiệu
Guys, Just remember DREAMS DO COME TRUE. If I can do it then you can also. Enjoy my journey and fascination with Car and if you liked the video, do support by giving a like . Share it with your loved ones and dont forget to subscribe.
Hey Guys, Welcome to my Youtube Channel, I'm Jonathan Amaral, you might know me as Jonathan Gaming. I started my professional Esports Career competing in Pubg Mobile Championships (Now BGMI), Since the start of my career, I have been consistent with my gameplay and always been working hard to achieve my goals via winning Domestic/Global Championships. "The only player you should try to be better than is the player you were yesterday." I Stream BGMI regularly, I also enjoy playing Valorant and other fun games once in a while! I upload videos regarding Tutorials for BGMI, Funny Highlights, Intense Fights, Crate Openings, Vlogs, etc.
------------------------------------------------------------ • About • → Name – Jonathan Amaral → Age - 22 → Profession – Content Creator, Streamer and eSports Athlete
------------------------------------------------------------ • Social Media Handles • → Instagram - → Discord - → Youtube - ------------------------------------------------------------ • Don't forget to follow me on my Social Media Handles and join my Discord server to interact with me. • ------------------------------------------------------------ Thank you for watching the video! Like the video. Subscribe the channel for more content. Take Care :heart: JONATHAN GAMING
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